Frontispiece of the 1831 edition of Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus |
Editions of Frankenstein
Oxford World Classics, 2008
Collected Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 2007, DK Illustrated
Classics, 2007
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel, 2005
Enriched Classics, 2004
Penguin Classics, 2003
The Cambridge Companion to Mary Shelley, Esther Schor, ed.,
Signet Classics, 2000
Frankenstein (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism),
Johanna M. Smith, ed. (1831 text), 2000
Norton Critical Edition, 1995
The Mary Shelley Reader, Betty T. Bennett, ed. (includes
Matilda, essays and letters), 1990
About Frankenstein
Frankenstein: A Cultural History, Susan Tyler Hitchcock, 2007
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: A Source Book, Timothy Morton,
Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature, Susan E.
Lederer, ed. (National Library of Medicine), 2002
Making Monstrous: "Frankenstein," Criticism, Theory, Fred
Botting, 1991
Hideous Progenies: Dramatizations of "Frankenstein" from Mary
Shelley to the Present, Steven Earl Forry, 1990
The Endurance of Frankenstein: Essays on Mary Shelley’s Novel,
George Levine, 1982
Creating Community
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,
Robert D. Putnam, 2000
Changing Places: Rebuilding Community in the Age of Sprawl,
Richard Moe and Carter Wilkie, 1997
The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace, M. Scott
Peck, 1987
The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Community Centers,
Beauty Parlors, General Stores, Bars, Hangouts, and How They Get You
Through the Day, Ray Oldenburg, 1989
Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American
Life, Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen William M. Sullivan, Ann
Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton, 1985
For Children
Frankenstein Takes the Cake, Adam Rex (K-3 grades), 2008
Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, Adam Rex (K-3 grades), 2007
Frankie Stein, Lola M. Schaefer, (K-2 grades), 2007
Frankie Stein’s Monster, David W. Cabrera, (4-6 grades), 2006
Frankenstein (retold by Deanna McFadden, 5-6 grades), 2006
Through the Tempests Dark and Wild : A Story of Mary Shelley,
Creator of Frankenstein, Sharon Darrow, (5-8 grades), 2003
Frankenstein (retold by Deborah Turner, 5-9 grades), 2000
Frank was a Monster who Wanted to Dance, Keith Graves, (K-2
grades), 1999
The Story of Frankenstein (adapted by Bob Blaisdell, 5-9
grades), 1997
In the Footsteps of Frankenstein, Steve Parker, (4-6 grades),
Spirit Like A Storm: The Story of Mary Shelley, Calvin Craig
Miller, (7-10 grades) 1996
Frankenstein (adapted by Larry Weinberg, 2-3 grades), 1982
Frankenstein Science
Cloning: A Beginner’s Guide, Aaron D. Levine, 2007
After Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Human Cloning, Ian
Wilmut, 2007
Re-Creating Medicine: Ethical Issues at the Frontiers of Medicine,
Gregory E. Pence, 2000 and 2007
Black Markets: The Supply and Demand of Body Parts, Michele
Goodwin, 2006
The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Ray
Kurzwell, 2004
Raising the Dead: Organ Transplants, Ethics, and Society,
Ronald Munson, 2002
Redesigning Humans: Choosing Our Genes, Changing Our Future,
Gregory Stock, 2002
Organ Transplants: Making the Most of Your Gift, Robert Finn,
Unnatural Selection: The Promise and the Power of Human Gene
Research , Lois Wingerson, 1998
The Frankenstein Syndrome: Ethical and Social Issues in the
Genetic Engineering of Animals, Bernard Rollins, 1995
Mary Shelley
The Monsters: Mary Shelley and the Curse of Frankenstein,
Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler, 2006
Mary Shelley, Miranda Seymour, 2000
Mary Shelley in Her Times, Betty T.Bennett, and Stuart
Curran, eds. 2000.
The Godwins and the Shelleys: A Biography of a Family,
William St. Clair, 1989
Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters, Anne K.
Mellor, 1989
Child of Light: Mary Shelley, Muriel Spark, 1951